Dynamic Fellows Award (DFA), is a $1,500.00 financial award that is awarded to ten (10) McKinney-Vento Program (MVP) high school seniors attending an Orange County Public School. Applicants must be preparing to enroll in an accredited college or university or vocational institution.
NOTE: Financial funds are awarded to the student upon evidence of registration in an accredited higher educational or vocational institution.
Application submission period is February 3, 2025 – March 7, 2025.
How do students apply?
Students may apply online here or download a printable application. Please gather all required documentation before submitting an application as all forms will need to be uploaded. Students also have the option to submit applications by emailing info@dynamicsolutioninc.org or mailing DynamicSolution, Inc. ATTN: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 286, Windermere, FL, 34786–0286.
Application Deadline – March 3, 2025. No applications will be accepted after March 3, 11:59 pm. Mailed applications must be postmarked by March 3, 2025.
If you have questions or issues with submitting your application, please contact (407) 579-7372 or email us at info@dynamicsolutioninc.org.
Who selects the recipients?
A selection committee will review the applications and make the selections.
How many scholarships will be awarded?
There will be 10, $1,500.00 scholarships awarded. The scholarship will be awarded in two $750.00 installments during the Fall and Spring semester of the selected MVP seniors first post-secondary year.
How may the Dynamic Fellows Award Scholarship be used?
The scholarship may be used to offset the cost of tuition, fees, personal needs and/or books.
When will the scholarship be awarded?
The scholarship is awarded after the add/drop period of the Fall and Spring semester. Once proof of enrollment in a post-secondary program or vocational school and class selection is provided, the scholarship will be awarded directly to the recipient.
Who is eligible for the scholarship?
The Dynamic Fellows Award Scholarship is available to all McKinney-Vento graduating high school seniors in Orange County Public Schools who plan to attend an accredited junior college, college, university, or vocational school.